cErItA jAsAd tEgAr,NuRaNi sEpI...

sebuah intermeso pentas hidup..

About Me

My photo
i am da only gurl in my family..sgt manja n very fragile..i luv shopping esp kasut,bj n handbag..i love my family N fren so much tp saya sgt benci ngan hipokrit..i hav learnt to forgive and forget..like prmanently delete dat sum people ever exist as sumone dear to me.. sum people say dat i can ezly cry n laugh @ da same time..sum would say dat i'm as fierce as iron lady..sum would say i am so daddy lil gurl..sum would say i'm a b****..sum would hate me s i'm ultimate heart broker..sum will say i luv 2 hurt myself 4 da sake of others..wat eva it is..i take it..humblely..bcoz i am a slave to the Almighty..i am learning 2 b a better person...

Saturday, July 24

my BEST fren!

ingatkan nak mention skali dlm previous post but i thought of making it special as a symbol of apprreciation to him..he is my best + coolest + craziest + irritating fren..ENGKU NAIM...selamat hari lahir yang ke 25 tahun...semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan dipercapatkan jodoh...i love ur accompany as u are but as time goes on u must grow older..cherish everything that u gain in ur life...take gud care of precious princess -ALIN (haha, aku tau alin mst marah aku wat ayat nih!!)..make her fullness happiness in her life...i'm happy whenever u're at the mosy...we've gone togather ups and downs..and u had been by my side either listening to me or menyakitkan ati aku whenever i'm in gloom or in cloud 9..thanx a lot!!!

happy 3rd burfday!!

~ 24 Julai 2010 ~
selamat hari lahir to my dearest nephew -MOHD ADAM ZAFRY BIN MOHD ZALMAN
last nite we had so much fun dinned in a new steamboat place...nice one...mknn sedap tp service cam bengong2 sket..mayb coz it is overcrowded...ramai gile org...nasib la my bro dh tempah awal2...unluckily i dont have proper dress..(rase cm bnyk bli bj dh tp stil xckp???)<-- petanda kena shopping lagi nih..hehe
This year adam dah 3 tahun..skejap je mase berlalu.rasenya dulu die kcik lagi..tp skrg dh petah mengutai..bole diajak bergado....ske sangat menyakat adam...taun lepas aku bg die toys..taun ni xtau dh nak blikan ape..so smlm bwk die p mid valley and he get to pick ape yang die nak...baju and seluar 3 pasang respectively from Soda, Adam's world and Pumpkin patch...Padini and Guess xde yang menarik..pastu blikan die 1 clark shoe...and semalam gak 1st time bwk adam naik komuter...naik pink koc lagi...hehe...

Nota kaki : Dalam reramai org dlm koc tu ada plak terselit 5 org JEJAKA...selain adam la...wat la! dont u read...it is ladies coach tu...ape la...hampeh! mamat tu foreigner plak tuh..lepas tu tetibe ramai suara2 wanita menghalau diorg..huhu...

Friday, July 23

jOurNey 2...

humm...xnak la sambung epilog 2 or 3...huhu....nak citer pasal wonderful holiday...Alhamdulillah sumernya berjalan seperti yang dirancang...walaupun memule cam susah giler nak dpt cuti..nsb dpt..

da journey begin at err...11.30pm??? haha...sblm tuh sempat plak tgk citer horror..and sblm smpi memane aku dh sempat terlelap..sorila pilot and co-pilot...tp biler lepas bli burger king trus xley tido..risau tgk yang kat depan tu mcm ngantuk je memandu..punye la pecut..sedar2 kol 2.30pg already reached there...kitorg pun trus tido...

bgn mmg kompem lambat la...pastu siap2 n p melawat uncle kat spital...sempat gak ade adengan romantis kat spital tuh..huhu..sweetnye! tetibe otak aku cm ter rewind kembali...adegan yg same pernah berlaku..haha..bezanya
1) DSH  --- Selayang Hospital
2) 1 kuntum --- 3 kuntum
urgh....delete memory cepat...ZZAPPP!!!

kitorg stat gerak afta quick branch kat dunkin donut...time tu aku cam dh ade aura2 nak kena migrain..cepat2 amik prophylaxis,,,pastu time tu gak i feel bad inside sbb sumthing dat i said few days back berbekas kat org lain..huhu...trust me, i didnt mean it...huhu...ere come the cloud in sunny day...but i manage to sway it ...whooosh!!!

sampai sane, enjoy!!!!! sumer rides manage to try..walaupun sebenarnye dalam ati ni cuak gile...mcm nak nangis...tinggi sgt tuh...tu yang aku sbenarnye bnyk diam je..mmg btul2 cuak..rase cm nak putus nyawa..huhu..tp i'm pretty sure we enjoy ourselves and every moment...thanx to all kewl members!!!

Malam tuh after freshing up and touch up2 sket kitorg pun p la PROPER DINNER since dari siang kitorg makan cm sket2 and ntah hape2...and kat situ jumper orang errr achondroplasia kot die...but my point ere is, he is sooo kind..xtau la..rase cm die mmg baik ati la..haha...tlg kitorg snap pic n sum how die tripped at the restaurant... yang wat aku panas tuh ade plak org gelak2 kan die..mmg geram!!!Instead of laughing u shud get up and help la u idiot!!!

After the dinner aku cam dh ngantuk sambil pening2 lalat...so after a tour and jalan2 aku back out to the room 1st..soriela guys...u all go on and i have to go zZzZzzzzZ....hehe.bkn tdo smpi pagi pun...kitorg pastu p tgk midnite movie..-INCEPTION-...kalo dh ngantuk tu, walau dh tdo skejap pun ngantuk gak...aku bole tido almost half of the movie..but not only me ok...2 person next to me pun tdo gak..haha..tp sbenarnye citer tu besh and very intresting..walau dalam tdo2 kitorg paham gak citer tuh...7 star from 10 aku bole bagi...thanx to mr muscle for suggesting da story...
hmmm...tu je la...later aku sambung..nak p dinner ngan adam zafry!!!

Tuesday, July 20

epilog....??? 2 ?? 3??

sewaktu aku taip entry ni aku tgh tunggu sumbody picking me up...dh lewat ni...sepatutnye nak reach KL early..butwith the car and driving skill...bole kot...time pass by..idup terus bergerak ke hadapan...aku???harusnya bergerak mengikut peredaran masa...namun ntah kenapa ada insan2 yang xpernah berubah...oppss..there's a horn...have to go...later la sambung

Sunday, July 18

wOrst Dinner

today was my weekend off..rehat2...xpayah p keje...i start my day worst2ly...huhu...andend it even worst....nasib la in the middle it was  fun....
mule2 ingat nak masak kat umah and invite them lunch tp sbbmcm2 yang jdk pagi tu xjdla.....sedey ("..)
Nasib la xajak diorg awal2...Then we had fun and enjoyable afternoon...although in the middle of happiness kena rush balik umah sbb ada perabot nak sampai...nasibla ada gud driver...haha
We end our day by hanging out in Danga Bay...Initially having fun la jalan2...pas2 main pirate ship....then the worst part is...the DINNER!!!
1- Service lousy...mintak mango blended bagi mango ABC...lepas tu bagi xcuse that was the menu...bile mintak tuka baru ngaku xde pun mango juice there..huhu
2 - Service sangat lembap...
3- The management and all the staff was very rude...u shud know that customer alwiz right...
4- Makanan sangat xsedap dan mahal....
Nak kate kitorg demanding xjugak..sbb org kat meja sebelah tu pun mengamuk n marah...

So, kesimpulannya...BANNED RUMAH LIMAS....xbesh!

Saturday, July 17

gadget???? NO!!!

My 1st HP = Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine Posting
Given by him..


My 2nd HP = Obsteric & Gynaecology Posting
 I Bought it by myself..
  My 3rd HP = Orthopaedic Posting 
 My 4th HP = Internal Medicine  Posting 
                                Given by her....

Don't shut love out of your life

by saying it's impossible to find.

The quickest way to receive love is to give;

the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly,

and the best way to keep love is to give it wings!

Cute Light Pink Flying Butterfly