simple wording but everything is in is like a depends on how we painted one would ever say no to joys,to be loved and to have endless friendship..but sorrow will b part of the entity..May your life be like arithmetic-joys added, sorrow subtracted, friends multiplied, love undivided
Coming back from motivational camp makes me wonder is diz wat i would xpect in my life? am i ready to face it?there is no turning it or not i have to face it..the situation, the surrounding will not change..but u hav to adapt wif it or u have to change the situation..those thing dat can be reverse has to be undo..forgiveness is da ultimate goal..acceptance is a modality of diz journey..but no matter how +ve i wanna takes thing it is not is neva ez(of corse!!!urghh…)da moment i try to move move along da memory came back..i’ve learnt how to forgive but not to forget..those words were too harsh and 4 me very da inappropiate…huhu..there's a say "leaves may change from green to gold..the sky from blue to grey, people change, places change.." and definitely i knew true love will not change ..thank 4 da assurance my fren..only now i realize in short period of time people change..i dunno y..did i do any wrong? any my words or behavior cross da border?
thanx to da seniors 4 da is so meaningful to is there i gain the experience, i gain the meaning of friendship and i learnt da true colours of people..but no matter wat it is i am who i am..i am happy wif my life now..little by little i substracted the sorrow…becoz all i know is dat i have an undivided love from my family and endless friendship from those who we can named F.R.I.E.N.D.S..da joy will be added as da journey to achieve DR SITI NUR AISHAH HJ JALIL is fulfilled! until then..all i need to do is to wake up..and to all batch 2004/2009 MBBS220 start ur engine
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