Walaupun permulaannya cam kelam kabut sbb
1) Awek2 cun ni siap lmbt and kitorg gerak lmbt...so smpi lmbt
2) All last minute plan..<-- padan muka aku sbb xnak pk awal2
3) Dtg dh xayu sbb mcm2 hadiah and barang kat otel tuh
disbbkan xde org nak jd MC aku n Fahmi jd la bidan terjun..ptg tu sempat la wat skrip sket2 tp last2 kitorg xikut skrip pun..haha..
aku plak atas pentas tuh bole plak tersasul2 klua jabatan Perubatan..bukan pembedahan..haha
Started off wif doa (Naseb ade Hasyim nak bace doa..suruh si panjang tu xnak plak..hampess)then ucapan Miss Saro as HOD
-short and sweet...hehe

pastu main cabutan beracun..cume the 1st round ni xchalenging sgt..Hasyim p wat trivia plak..
Pastu kitorg main Project Runaway..
Mmg kelakar habis...stiap meja kena pilih sorang model and hiaskan wif all the props yg kitorg bg..kena ade explaination gak nape model diorg camtu...lawak gile time tuh..
Mmg kreatif abis la diorg..aku plak main bg props ntah hape2 je...
Then 2nd round cabutan beracun mmg fun...Miss Saro kena jd king kong..Madam Seniyah jd kangaroo..Dr Ash salah jawab trivia and kena nyanyi...

Mr Mathew xketinggalan sporting habes...
Bravo to all...
Terselit rase bangga bila diorg puji Surgical Nite...walaupun i didnt quite satisfied coz if i prepared earlier it wud be soo much more that can be done...
p/s: Tetibe ms prepare2 aku terdengar org puji mase O&G nite best gile...haha..alhamdulillah aku bersyukur..thanx to all yang jayakan mase tu...