Housemanship aka HO...dah hampir 4 bulan aku keje..bergelar HO or trainee doctor...pegawai perubatan yang hanya mempunyai lesen perubatan is a position of a medical intern which i think the lowest hierarki in the wards or medical world..huhu...we have to sail through 6 disciplines with four months in each posting over a period of two years. i've rememberred that the aim of increasing from 1 year to 2year of i nternship is to reduce the stress during training. After passing through 1 posting i dunno whether it is a right thing to be in this noble profession....working long hours is not the problem here but often get bullied and scolded for no apparent reason by superiors has making life worst! Damn frustrating to the core..
Thinking back i dont even know wats da best thing ever happen to me since working...apart from the satisfaction seeing those little kiddo get well, able to run and smile like a sunshine...seing a great relief of a couple after their babies healthy and being least hard works pay..but looking on the other side of personal life...ZERO...
Money?? not much i can say...being a doc is not about money..although much of my frenz do say that doctors earn more per month but actually when we count back it is so not true...if given a choice i would rather giving up the money to the time i've lost to spend with my parents, lovely adam and dear frenz..For normal weekday, we get RM100 per oncall, on weekends or public holiday, we’ll get RM 110 ..haha..not worth it! Everyone hates weekend calls. so there goes ur weekend if u r oncall..we were given food during on call..thanks to Allah for the rezeki but after 4 months i juz cant close my eyes and swallow those is just tasteless!! sumthing wrong with my tongue or my stomach juz cant accept it! so at the end of the day either u buy or starve until tomorrow morning especially if u r so 'jonah' and kiasu...well thats wat usually happen to me..not eating..even worse if post-call, one thing u only think of is to lie down on ur bed..sleep all night..forgetting about meal(gud way of losingweight?? haha..guess so)
As a HO we are expected to come early to work, currently i usually reach ward by 6.30AM…and it can stretch up to 8PM - midnight if you’re unlucky or getting into so much trouble like DOWNTIME(which is so common in my hospital!!), late CME or emergency case...helping ur frenz cleaning up things in the wards..and i usually make it a habit to pass over to those oncall. During my final years i've heard people talking about PM off after calll..haha..wat a my previous HOD used to say, u r the front liner in the our abscence on even half day would surely make the wards up side down.. crippled!
Everytime that i mumbled to my mum bout the lack of hols she will alwiz say these “Holidays for housemen are not rights, but privileges.” but then again, 8 days per posting = 8 days in 4 months including weekends???so not fair..we are not like robots..this is so boring ! and there goes my other frens..calling me and telling me dat i am bz..cant be more hanging around togather! it is a sad thing okay...i do envy my to chill togather..especially when i opened my FB seeing my name being tag..they went for a hang over..bachelor nite..karaoke..urgh!!!damn sucks life!No more late night hang out wif cousins karaoking, bowling or more BBQ nite with family..and i really have to find time to meet my dear adam..missing him so much..juz talking thru video call..when i went back home i had to buy CDs to catch up with latest not me okay!huhu..and even worst, i was da last to know that my dear cousin already had her baby out..URGH!! In short, HO means no social life..
Some hospitals enforce the rule that a houseman is to work everyday including Saturday, Sunday and public holiday. Half day of work during the holidays except for those oncalls.(I'm working on the last Eid Fitri..only on leave on 7th raya) Some departments, realizing that housemen are also humans instead of mindless drones, softened the rule by saying that while housemen were to come on those said holidays we are allowed to work things out with other housemen so that a rotation can be done so that at least a houseman gets at least a weekend off, as long as there are other housemen to cover the work that needed to be done. And some other departments are headed by angels that say that if you’re not oncall on those holidays, you’re off from work!!
The only things i do agree is that although u're the lowest hierarki, HO = HAMBA ORANG, this is the only time u apply ur knowledge you have learned from med school. But of course, normally we tend to have retrograde amnesia upon graduation(this is da time when specialist and MO will raised their voice and say that u shud not 4get it coz u r still fresh graduate..huhu) so housemanship is an opportunity to regain those lost knowledge and it's not a total lost but just lost track in ur mind..hehe! Practical stuffs are more fun to do at first, but became a normalcy as time passed, and tedious when you get a long list of those to be done.
If you’re surrounded by great superiors and great staffs, the workload won’t bother you much. But not when u are surrounded by those who scolded a lot but no teaching, those who mumbled so much...fellow HO which counts at work they do and of course being bullied by so called SENIOR HO as they r the oldies in the is like u r counting every minute to get the hell out of the wards! one thing that i learnt in my new department is that people are so good at covering their ass...and at the end the youngsters will take the fault...
So people out there, please do take note that being a doc is never a glamourous or spot lite job..Nak glamor, jadi artis paling tak pun pengacara pun glamour dah....